Something I appreciate about Ocarina of Time's open world is that you're not spending 10 minutes getting anywhere through endless trees/hills. Zones are more complex by being interesting rather than big, with secrets and layers and multiple visits. It's refreshing still today
Modern games' open worlds are just fucking tedious. I don't wanna travel through Limgrave for the millionth time, even Breath of the Wild is just a massive tedious space that's all one-and-done instead of making you revisit anything

@eris i wish it had more revisiting but i love botw’s world. most of my time spent in that game is just walking around. i think the main reason i prefer it to totk is that you have to actually go through the world whereas the sky islands demand a lot of teleporting and vehicles that skip over stuff. i admittedly just really like the grass and climbing up stuff i don’t actually have the stamina for though

@lizzie I haven't played Tears yet but same, like I will scale this mountain damn it lol

I still like it but like it is very simplistic to the point of making the world feel a bit small. Like Ocarina of Time has 12 dungeons with more complexity than the dungeons in Breath of the Wild, whereas BotW's excuse being that it has shrines (which feel same-y)

@eris @lizzie BotW doesn’t have a single dungeon on OoTs level at least Elden Ring had like three of them.

@lizzie @eris Wind Waker that shit kicks ass

Here’s a download for the excellent Wii U remake :3


@lizzie @eris the gamecube version holds up but it has some grinding and the wii u version gets rid of that. Not only that but the graphics actually do great redone in HD with bloom and stuff cuz it’s cel shaded. It also has a hard mode called hero mode that makes the combat actually challenging

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