@rose wanting immediate change like the wind is a colonial understanding of change. Colonialism and white supremacy want to bend everything and everyone to their desire, and often by force. It's not how lasting, and productive change works.

It's important to talk to young people about that. And hoe we make change in our lives and through our actions everyday that make the change we want last <3


@rose @Bit_form I would say that the change made by colonial and white supremacist force was very lasting, though. It was extremely productive for them. They conquered half the world and became fabulously rich and powerful. It might not produce the results we want but it seems to have produced an incredibly powerful and long lasting change that has affected billions.

@destroy @rose absolutely.Enslavement and subjugation for generations will certainly do that.

What I'm saying is we don't want to ever think that a moment means "victory/defeat". This is a much bigger and long term thing.

Of course a diversity of tactics needs to exist (including violent), but getting upset that any action doesn't change the world overnight sounds like a quick route to burnout town

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