@PallasRiot see I disagree. The Democratic Party doesn’t rely on activists, activists rely on the Democratic Party. Without the Democratic Party to be an instrument for the kind of change they wish to see, these activist groups would lose all their clout and the non-profit complex would collapse. The Democratic Party would still be able to rely on corporate and union donors and mobilize its own organizations without them. Democrats know this, which is why they only entertain policy pushed by activist organizations that don’t go against their real funders. Do you think the entire pro-Palestinian movement can even reach a fraction of the power in the Democratic Party as Haim Saban alone? That guy can fund whole national ad campaigns and organizer training centers.


@PallasRiot the reason queer rights isn’t abandoned on the spot like Palestine has been is because there’s actual queer people and allies in positions of power that would be pissed off. Billionaires would be mad at them and pull funding.

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