I got banned from the keto subreddit for telling this dude who said he eats one meal a day and skips sometimes and feels weird so he's going "carnivore" that he has an eating disorder (he does)

They said I'm spreading misinformation
@eris the weird hard-on people have for carnivore diet is so confusing, thank god they hate vegans because that means the two will never breed and create a person with even more annoying dietary restrictions
@thenoid I feel like everyone who eats carnivore is gonna get prion disease at some point because that shit doesn't cook out and health standards are slipping

@eris @thenoid
I wanna understand how being a carnivore makes you more likely to get prions.
Like I'm just picturing somebody exclusively eating sausage and ground beef and stuff. Either they're eating something weird, or eating stuff raw, if they're so much at risk of prions.
Granted, you're right, prions don't cook out, but our current meat consumption rate on average still makes eating prions super rare, and I imagine there's quality control to make sure low risk meat is sold.

@Paradox @thenoid quality control in the US is pretty notorious for slipping. Our meat here is already dyed to look healthier than it is. It's only a matter of time

@thenoid @eris @Paradox prion disease arises out of very specific circumstances it would require multiple companies colluding to even start this happening and there isn’t really much of an incentive

@thenoid @destroy @Paradox @eris i think at this rate jordan peterson is gonna be the death of himself before prion disease gets him. since prion disease takes decades to manifest symptoms

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