honestly leaning toward we should stop using TMA/TME because clearly people are never going to listen to us about what it means or even try to understand its intent and as a writer I gotta admit that at some point it’s the language’s fault for not being clear enough. thoughts?

"You're either TME or TMA" that is binary logic. There is no room for the nuance of "shouldn't be considered TMA but is."
It's also... quite literally a binary way of sorting people. There are two boxes, fit in them.

@saltyfoxes right, but when you put it that way it comes off like accusing us of reinventing the gender binary which this terminology is explicitly an attempt to avoid doing by not categorizing people by their AGAB. I’m not even disagreeing with your point so I don’t want to argue about it.

Okay. I mean you did disagree with me when you said its not reinventing binaries. I'm just annoyed that every time perisex people try to be inclusive they remake a "progressive" gender binary and if you don't fit in it you're "the wrong type of queet' /nay nm


@saltyfoxes @winter the idea of perisex vs intersex is binary too so why are you using that?

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