
damn, masto can't make lists of people you don't follow?

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@exiliaex tbf considering half the lists I was ever either on or aware of that is probably for the best.

You could always put lists on pastebin or something and link them in a toot or on your profile.

@capo i just wanted to have easy organization of certain kinds of accounts. like i dont really want constant news down my home timeline, but i'd like to be able to check in with the various news sharing accounts more easily than masto currently allows

@exiliaex yeah fair point, I know there are legitimate uses for it I'm just saying it was abused a lot.

Though as @prepure_kaede said you could always make an alt to follow those accounts. A bit clunky vs a list but it'd get the job done.

I guess the list feature minus the ability to share them publicly would probably keep the utility without the potential for abuse.

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