
philosophy; time, form-of-life 

Time is not experienced singularly, as one uninterrupted flow. Nor is it felt the same way between bodies.

A form-of-life, experienced as a form-of-life (that is to say, collectively), produces it's own time by its mechanisms of coordination.
These mechanisms of coordination can be as varied as the individuals of a band relaying their own sensory information between each other or as regulated as the distribution of clocks for the timekeeping of labor.

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philosophy; time, form-of-life 

What i mean to say can be summed up as: All forms-of-life produce their own time.

philosophy; time, form-of-life 

The State is a form-of-life, and it, too, produces its own time. We see this through the creation and distribution of clocks, regulated and scalable intervals. This is just a development of its earliest methods of limb-coordination.

philosophy; time, form-of-life, monks, 

Monasteries understood this. They knowingly produced their own time for the purposes of coordination between the work of the many monks. And they produced it in a variety of fashions. Sometimes there was a sundial to count the hours in un-regulated fashion, changing with the seasons. Others were to be in prayer at all times, knowing the length of the prayer and the time the prayer took to get through to constantly be keeping time with one another. Others installed complex water clocks to begin to count the hours in regular fashion, with an "objective" outside measurement...

philosophy; time, form-of-life 

@exiliaex Chronos & Kairos

philosophy; time, form-of-life 

@exiliaex finally got around to this bookmark! Really interesting thoughts, and really depressing when thinking about how this is just one more function of compulsory school systems. No clocks no masters!

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