
From the head of Sovereignty, which bursts from the living ways of communities as the iron rule of law, outpours the substance of Providence.

And here is the first body of the Worldeater!

The Sovereign as the anarchic figure of law-creation and maintenance, who holds within him the power to suspend the law, on the basis of the law. Law as tradition turned mechanical. As a History of Ways is solidified into rigid organs and muscles, with rigid logics that correspond to the will of no man, but instead correspond to the substance of Providence.

The Sovereign creates logics out of living activity through its army and police operations, by punishing and removing those who do not conform to its demanded logics, by removing the possibility for living life to be done to any satisfaction separate from it... By determining the world as something made to be administered. By Providence.


philosophy; Sovereignty, Providence, 

Providence and Sovereignty are united in birth.
The Sovereign grants Providence at the same moment Providence grants Sovereignty. Out from His head Providence oozes.

Providence is the Rule which corresponds to the form; Apparatus of Capture.

The Worldeater promises great futures to them, as long as the Worldeater has more Worlds to consume.

The police and military activities that characterize the maintenance of the Ordered World is an activity that, today, is seemingly separated from its ends. But, when the world is revealed as practice, it becomes apparent as the first musculature of the form-of-life that is the Worldeater.

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