isn't currently accepting new sign-ups. Is there some other comparable instance that's large, stable, and fairly mainstream where I can count on not losing contact with friends because of overzealous blocking and petty high school cafeteria shit from the mods?

@KevinCarson1 have you considered hosting your own instance for just yourself? that way no one could defederate you from places you wanted to federate with? that's basically what i'm doing. though my instance is open to a few friends too.

@KevinCarson1 in all honesty its not very hard. if you can spare the money for a domain name and a bit of webspace (you wont need much if youre the only user) they have fairly simple setups, especially if you have someone help you who has done it before.


@KevinCarson1 oh! i saw you boosted some services that help with this! thats great. if those dont work out or you need other help with this feel free to reach out.

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@exiliaex Thanks! Unfortunately the monthly payments are something I don't want to take on.

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