Leninists trying to convince me their state is subordinate to the people because they don't get what a state is.


@adaoist do you have a particular formulation of the state you think functions best?

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@exiliaex The best way to understand the state is to realize it is a monopoly. It is a monopoly on making and enforcing laws and taxes; it owns all the land (and rents it out). It sets up a social hierarchy with its decision makers at the top.

The MLs can admit the state is the final decision maker but insist it is subordinate to the people, when that is just ludicrous. States mean concentrating power OVER the people. There has never been any other kind of state.

But maybe a longer answer is in order, which is why I made this: youtube.com/watch?v=KXVC1ZMSNA

@exiliaex I also made a whole series on why I'm an anarchist and not a Marxist, but I don't know if anyone will watch it: youtube.com/watch?v=Po_7LAnkPJ

@adaoist i'll watch through both! thank you for the explanation and for taking the time to make and share these videos.

the only question i have, with regard to the explanation you wrote out to me is: How would you distinguish power "over" people versus power "subordinate" to people? Liberals and MLs and even a lot of anarchists tend to boil it down to questions of democracy. That, as long as people are consciously applying their will to the political system, as in the case of democracy, that it is "subordinate" to them. I'm curious how you think about it.

@exiliaex This won't be a complete answer but the real question is, who makes the final decisions and who controls the means of force? Because the answer is inevitably the state, if there is a state, which is why they simply don't have to do what the people want. And how could they? The purpose of all states is to concentrate and administer power, which necessarily means power over the people in its jurisdiction.

There is no way to have a state subordinate to the people. The state, by its nature, concentrates power over the people. It cannot be used to work on behalf of the people, though it could temporarily do things that benefit them.

@adaoist hey, thanks for the response. I also just finished up your "What is the State" video, and i enjoyed it, though, i think we have a few disagreements. thanks for sharing it.

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