@exiliaex @bikeshed also read it and also good!

...surprisingly i found both at a barnes and noble. LMAO

@eris @bikeshed wait, which tiqqun have you read, both journals?

@eris @bikeshed i like both journals, there's some great stuff in the first one (Silence and Beyond is real good) but they really shine in the second journal, Intro to CW being my personal favorite.

@eris @bikeshed a lot of the ideas mentioned in Tiqqun's writings are expanded on by the philosopher Giorgio Agamben who i also recommend


@eris @bikeshed yeah! i had been streaming for too long with people asking for pdf's to certain pieces i was referencing so i figured i'd just start hosting everything myself, and if people want a book i'll go digging til i find one to host for them.


@eris @bikeshed reach out if you ever need any other book~

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