I lose faith in marxists at times.

Someone was talking about cultural hegemon and superstructure, and explained a point in which most people don't choose their ideology to some degree (think of cop work).

So the guy who was explaining said this has all to do with the superstructure, and the marxist replied with "how", so the guy goes to say "Through the state, which enforces the culture of society" and i can't belive it but the marxist said the state has nothing to do with what we're saying.

Sometimes i wish these "marxists" would simply do us a favour to remove the adjectives “Marxist,” “socialist” and “communist,” and instead use “economist,” “populist,” “progressive,” and it fits like a glove lol


@agreedyboi they're Rousseauians. they're always Rousseauians. marxists who have nothing to do with marx are always philosophically Rousseauian and Economically Lassallean

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