politics; marxists 

the center-marxist DSA group that centers around cosmonaut are the best example how orthodox marxism can become indistinguishable from fascism via figures like kautsky

politics; marxists 

you cant delegitimize all political activity that doesnt take the form of electoralism, delegitimize all violence that isnt from the state, advocate a regulation of the social body by direct control of the organs of the proletariat, and follow nationalists like Lasalle and Kautsky, and then be surprised when people notice that youre not exactly offering a picture of liberation

re: politics; marxists 

@exiliaex my eyes glazedd over reading this youre just like the marxists

re: politics; marxists 

@errante thats rude

re: politics; marxists 

@exiliaex no but like ylure jsing the political thoight ans language of the marxists its lame

re: politics; marxists 

@errante i share some with marxists and think there are useful aspects of different marxists' political thoughts, most notably marx's. i dont think theres anything wrong with that. i think its useful for understanding the world. sorry if you dont, but i dont share the qualities i described previously. using marxist concepts occasionally is not at all what i was describing.

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re: politics; marxists 

@exiliaex marx's notion of the prole definitely isnt useful for unferstanding the world considering the lumpen exist lol

re: politics; marxists 

@exiliaex the lumpen is thw set of underclass (homeless, vagrants, prostitutes, theieves) who are allegddly only capable of being counterrevolutionary

re: politics; marxists 

@errante @exiliaex Fuck me, this is a real thing? This ideology, lol.
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