
philosophy, politics; war machine 

our world separates political activity from the actual activity of life. it separates it from material production, social production, social reproduction... political parties want your support so that they can act. their life becomes governing.

becoming "ungovernable" isn't about not respecting the people you associate with, and even some you don't associate with. it's about living an ethical life which becomes a political activity secondarily to its living.

war is not our object. we can make war only on the condition that we are already creating something else.

philosophy, politics; war machine 

@exiliaex I relate to this idea in a lot of ways, and I also think that current analysis and critique is lacking in perspective and creativity.

I’m skeptical of any attempts to become ungovernable that don’t begin with a rejection of the current dominant conceptual foundations of “life”. If ethics are oppositional, or even just share the logic of politics, of war, of humanism, of the current systems of hierarchy and control, attempts to create a new way of living, of becoming ungovernable, will always lead back to the same oppressive structures and outcomes.

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