if anyone knows anyone who has any knowledge on sedentarization practices carried out by states against nomadic/otherwise non-sedentary peoples, please let me know. i've got some pointed research questions i'd like to ask.

@exiliaex Just as long as we remember that sendentary peoples don't necessarily form states or make war upon nomadics...I wish you luck in your research.

@FinalOverdrive i am 100% trying to show how the logic of states produces denomadization. not necessarily saying this about "settled people" but... it depends


@FinalOverdrive sedentary peoples *do* have a high potential to, in settling somewhere, disrupt the environment in such a way it could be considered "making war against nomads" i think. and they are strucrured such that they are highly integratable into states.

but yes, i think i agree with you.

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@exiliaex I just recall reading in "the dawn of everything" that archaeology has found examples of sedentary people with little evidence of having a state or hierarchy or being under one, and evidence of hierarchy and the like among nomadic people. I also imagine that some sedentary communities and some nomadic communities have worked out mutually beneficial arrangements.

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