fuck i said i was gonna go through that zine but it misunderstands things so instantly and in such bad faith idek if its worth it

@exiliaex continually disappointed by the critiques of tiqqun, this zine is just a complete misunderstanding, "communization: the senile decay of anarchy" is equally empty, and everything warzone distro has put out against them just fundamentally misses what they are proposing

@0utside0utsider i've not seen those other critiques you mention, yet. maybe i'll check them out. i've been looking for critiques of tiqqun's philosophy recently. mostly i hear bad jabs at TIC's work. like that one piece "To Our Customers"

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@exiliaex "further materials toward a theory of the man-child" and "notes on militant folds: against Aeigel and Ahern's " further materials toward a theory of the man-child" is at least a good converse on what is imo the worst piece in the tiqqun journals

I'm curious what's animating some of the critique your seeking out? (For my own part, I've been thinking about how deeply tied in the section in intro to civil war about "collaborators" relates to a inability to think the synthetic in a radical way)

@exiliaex @0utside0utsider oh god I was just complaining about some of the misreadings in To Our Customers in a groupchat earlier lol. Jackie Wang has some decent critique of Tiqqun in “Against Innocence,” tho it’s more of a brief aside, as well as a critique of Theory of Bloom that seems p decent (tho I haven’t read ToB yet myself) blogs.law.columbia.edu/praxis1

@diqqun @exiliaex hmm, yeah, i just read the essay you linked, its got elements of truth to it (and reminds me of the sometimes painfully stupid real life convo's about "identity" w i@ ppl) and does justice to the very real limitations that tiqqun has in theorizing the gradations of those "cracks" in the subject, or what lead any one marginalized being toward or away from an assimilatory position, toward or away from a self-abolition of the subject position. This is making me question whether or not ToB is, as I've seen it, a description of the mediating force of normativity that all subjectivities are experienced in relation to, or actually just a full flattening the way this is describing.

I do think some of this essay misses out of the theory in intro to civil war that addresses some of what is being referenced here as missing, such as deep ties and investment in others being
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