OK, excuse the bleakness but, I'm finding it to be quite a grim synchronicity that I'm hearing reports of research suggesting that Earth might be past the limits of human habitability a day after I'm seeing people seriously discussing the notion of altering Earth's ecosystems, in the discourses of so-called "anti-predationism" or "Promethean anarchism".

No seriously, think about it: at a time when human civilization has damaged the vast complex of natural ecosystems, the global environment of this planet, to the point that humans MIGHT not survive living on this planet, apparently a small number of people think we need to fuck with those same ecosystems even more in order to satisfy the moral instincts and intellectual vanities of a handful of human beings. How the fuck am I expected to abide that? We're probably on course to cooking life on Earth including ourselves to death, we got to this point by carving up ecosystems for endless produce and property, and there are people who think that the human species should think about doing MORE to reshape the Earth's ecosystems in our image?



@Aleph i'd argue it's the consequence of Social Media As Politics. they're staking out a logical conclusion of some set of values they've developed completely disconnected from meeting their actual needs.

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@exiliaex It may well be the logical conclusion of the values they've staked out, at least defined per their terms, and I believe that this has been a possibility since before we all decided to go on Twitter, But then what interests me is the rammification the proceeds from it and the drive that precedes it.

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