@exiliaex a piece of fediverse software modeled on stuff like reddit
@exiliaex https://lemmy.ml/ is the flagship instance if u wanna just take a look at the UI and such tho idt they want any more users to make sure it doesnt get way 2 big and centralized
@exiliaex curious what aspects of it elicit this reaction from you if ur willing 2 elaborate

@sinistrist its just an aesthetic disconnect from how i expect "social media" posts to look.

i don't like everything taking on the Title; Description format of reddit posts used for social media blogging. just personal preference.

@exiliaex oh yea i felt that too, i think it was actually intended to be used as a link aggregator like reddit is but ppl are just using it for generic posts which id speculate has smth to do w/ the community not being unified around a topic the way subreddits are.
@FawnOverFun @exiliaex it does sound/look interesting but the reason i heard abt it is bc there was some dumb drama w/ the dev team. idk the details and dont rlly care to find out
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