Anyone who thinks homelessness is a consequence of drug abuse, mental illness, or laziness needs to:

- take a look at Kanye West and Johnny Depp toodling around their mansions;

- consider that literally millions of children experience homelessness in the US each year through absolutely no fault of their own; and

- go fuck themselves.

Oh and let’s not lose sight of all the people who work full time jobs and still cannot afford housing because that’s exactly how markets are supposed to work.

@HeavenlyPossum that’s not a consequence of markets, it’s a consequence of zoning.

Public and non-profit housing faces the same barriers and ability to be stymied by vocal hyperlocal opposition.

In Willowdale, #Toronto, a rookie councillor Lilly Cheng was elected on a platform of stopping supportive housing for homeless men in her ward from being built.

The issue holding up the installation of the already modular housing (which the city is paying $77k/month to store) 1/2

@rexbron @HeavenlyPossum That's part of markets and capitalism. Capital is power. Those with the most capital have the power to decide how capital is allocated. They have collectively decided to not allocate more land capital to housing.

@immibis @HeavenlyPossum @rexbron Capitalists (with the help of state powers) simultaneously created the situation in which most people cannot have access to the things they need to survive without selling themselves to others, and, through that, their predictive models for profit tell them that the most profit comes from continuing this exploitation, trying to care as little as possible about peoples needs and instead focusing purely on staying competitive.

if people dont have a way to organize their own lives, then the capitalist gains power from caring as little as possible about peoples needs.

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