Swear to gods Twitter is just broken today. I can post, retweet, quote tweet, and like posts and see the regular Twitter feed as normal, but I'm also getting random rate limit messages, can't see my profile from time to time, can't see Twitter trends.


@Aleph for me the timeline is completely broken. i can't see anything.

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@exiliaex @Aleph Elon just made an announcement about it: the rate limit warning is *not* in error. non-bluechecks are limited to viewing 600 posts/day now, or 300 for a newly created non-bluecheck account. Idk what counts as a "view" for this purpose but since some individual threads garner easily a thousand or more replies, it may be possible to instantly lock yourself out for the day just by clicking the wrong post.
@Aleph @exiliaex
Knowing Elon maybe it *is* an error and this is just a CYA thing, who knows anymore
@Aleph @exiliaex personally I can still see posts via the Explore page and can still make posts, but can't use the normal TL. And if I click through a link to an individual post I can read it, but also get the rate limit message displayed on top and can't see the thread.
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