
the vibes on all other social media have rapidly deteriorated i just wanna chill and post about books

everywhere else is just transphobia day in day out and constant repeats of the same tired old discourse i am so tired of that economy of attention

@exiliaex fedi truly is the only good platform now, capitalism eats itself

@exiliaex Especially because "allies" keep constantly retweeting/reblogging queerphobic shit to "dunk" on queerphobes. Which only serves to further exposure. Eck. Mastodon may have a fed problem rn but at least it's calm asf

@Spyemma @exiliaex fed problem like servers federating weirdly, or fed problem like glowing?
*I'm unaware of either and broadly unaware of what's going on in the wider fediverse stuff

@loquimar @exiliaex glowies. all social medias have them ofc and mastodon is no stranger to this.

Speaking of, have you had a chance to look at Zoe Baker's book; Means and Ends?

@loquimar no, not yet but i really want a copy! i think zoe is great, tho we definitely have some disagreements

@exiliaex would love to hear your thoughts on it when/I you get round to it. Sure I'm not alone in that either.

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