Something that happens to me fairly often when I’m describing my revolutionary politics is people will smugly ask, “how’s that working out for you?” as though I should be embarrassed that I haven’t already defeated one of the most powerful empires in history.

But during my life, I’ve seen anarchism go from a fringe ideology in 1999 to more popular than many sitting candidates. Over 60% of Americans supported burning down that Minneapolis Precinct in 2020.

What we’re doing is working.

When I think about protests now vs. how they worked in the 90’s it’s hard to deny that anarchism has had many effects. Most protests aren’t permitted anymore, and black bloc actions/graffiti are more normalized and common than I ever thought they would be. Anarchist tactics are filtering through the culture faster than liberal, or socialist, or fascist ones, because they work. Anarchist ideology follows anarchist tactics, not the other way around.


@sidereal i think you mixed up two phrases and said something you dont mean, judging from the rest of your post - "it’s hard to deny that anarchism hasn’t had many effects."

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@exiliaex lol I actually corrected it before I even saw this post, but good lookin out, I appreciate it anyway!

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