
something i never see people talk about for fresh instances on masto is the work that goes into pathmaking.

when your instance is fresh it doesn't know any other instances - someone has to do the work to go "find" the posts for the first time to bring them back home.

the best way i've found, which i have spent so many hours doing, is going through whatever follow lists i can, seeing who in there has a semi-active account and following it, just so i could have more selection to choose from moving forward

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@exiliaex I’ve seen some admins talk about relays and stuff to get that going but I don’t know much about how it works

@coffeentacos i saw that when i first made my instance - i realized quickly that no one uses that function lol

@coffeentacos @exiliaex yeah, I have yet to find a Mastodon instance where that's enabled. the one other Pleroma instance I know of and would follow has it enabled, though, which is handy.

you can use to force the issue for Mastodon hosts that don't support actual relays, with only a slight bit of hack feel to it (everything shows up as a post repeat)

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