Wokescolds/Lefty Infighting 😈 

One of the most interesting and imo gross repeated tactics I see employed in the most toxic corners of the "left" is this tactical erasure of identity:

openly nonbinary trans woman becomes "Straight White Person" when convenient to building a narrative

I find it a very weak and cowardly tactic, especially because its most avid users (tankies and wokescolds) will never own what they're doing, even though its beyond obvious

I think this type of tactic was more popular and effective at some point, but I think it's actually contributed to people becoming incredibly numb to conversations about identity. It actually contributes to the weakening of conversations addressing serious identity based issues!

like theyre never technically lying. A white trans woman who is nonbinary + dates excl. masc spec people is, technically a "white straight person" but there is a tactical removal of context that exists only to manipulate the framing

ppl play demented mental games on social media

they DO love to tactically ignore your pronouns tho when it becomes convenient, which kinda shows their hand right?

their convictions are flimsy and will be discarded whenever it becomes convenient to scrabble for a perceived drop of moral high-horse clout


Wokescolds/Lefty Infighting 😈 

this is a big ol crosspost from my twitter. fuck twitter holy god its bad

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