@DemonMama I'd watch a vlog of this. I'm glad you and your critters had fun! 😊

reclamatory slur 

@DemonMama fags with guns lets gooooooo

@DemonMama Nice! However, I do hate the rifles that load the clip behind the trigger

@DemonMama This looks dope as fuck and a lot of fun. Cool seeing Doe rocking the gock-*ahem* gLock

@CupidsMolotov doe did SO WELL! I got it set up with some solid hearing protection and it took to shooting like a natural :3

@DemonMama That's so cool! I'm glad it kicked ass. Does this mean we gonna get some vids out at the range and about firearms/ being armed?
I really really hope so!

@CupidsMolotov you’re gonna get a LOT more battlequeer content 🫡🫡🫡

@DemonMama I need to go shooting again but first I need a new firearm. Gotta get that MK 12
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