
It's amazing how many stupid wackjobs got popularized on the "left" by offering the most milquetoast takes on worker co-ops and taxing the rich

Almost all of these people ended up Putin apologists and are now riding Elon's shriveled wiener like their lives depend on it.

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@DemonMama Shills are a sub-species of human. They lack the genes for dignity.

@DemonMama Elon so giddy to prove Hunter Biden has more hog than he does too lol. Their guy is such a loser

@DemonMama cream-brained “leftists” like BJG can’t even hold back on supporting the annihilation of Ukrainians through progressive-veneered rhetoric. I guess standing by during the annihilation of Ukrainians would help people of color in the US

@DemonMama unironically I am hard pressed to think of a bad call. To paraphrase a thumbnail on a DM YouTube video "Even Vaush does miss". And twas Momma who did the correcting. Neopronouns was that time I believe. Then the other was Kink At Pride. Again V Being wrong initially "too myopic" were his words. And I of course went to and to subscribe and patron.

@DemonMama I've seen so many normies and what I thought were otherwise decent, but gullible, left or potentially left people fall for the vaguest and simplest critiques of capitalism from those nutjobs that it's not even funny, anymore. It's like the nazbol vortex and it's easier to say something like "US bad" or "capitalism bad" and get people to buy into often obvious, but surface things before hinting at them like it's the JQ, pulling them into conspiracies and, ultimately, the rightwing.

@DemonMama Gravitating towards simple, flashy and easy explanations and having the unwillingness, inability, or I think more often the lack of enough knowledge on leftist concepts, to look deeper. And the whackjobs rely on all of that. Having an almost normie type persona or way of speaking, like Russel Brand or Joe Rogan for example, I think can help.

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