
The Angry Youtube Commenter is one of the most simple to manipulate breeds of commenter.

Sometimes you can literally just type "?" and they will proceed to write another essay on your video. Its like magic. Just throw an emoji at them and you get another free comment on your video.

There are actually a ton of really thoughtful commenters on youtube, but the angry ones, I swear to god are the angriest on the web and will literally bite ANY bait.

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@DemonMama over here training a "network of neurons" to generate youtube comments at the click of a button.

@DemonMama I've been looking into starting a YouTube channel myself and this is a hilarious piece of advice. It feels very much like a P.T. Barnum approach to engagement.

@Coel it takes a lot of practice to not let some of them get to you, but...if you practice and keep your cool its extremely easy to just plop a quick response and get some free engagement. I did this yesterday and some of the people I responded to ended up leaving 5-6 additional comments o.O

@DemonMama I feel like I have an extremely high tolerance for bullshit, but I have also seen the sort of hate that can be directed against content creators and I know that quantity has a quality all its own.

@DemonMama I just usually post whatever the fuck I want online (unless its TOS) and just mute the replies. So all the angry malding transphobes are just screaming into a void because ill never see it to give them a reaction

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