"Transphobia" doesn't even properly summarize what I + so, so many of my peers experience every day now; it's so much more than just vague fear or low-level prejudice.

Deluge of slurs, death threats, false accusations of vile sexual crimes.

and I know its only going to get worse in the forseeable future. I wish I had an answer as to how to survive it. I wish I knew how to make myself more resistant to it, but I'm already one of the most numb-to-transphobia trans people I know.

What a mess of a situation. What a mess of a society.

@DemonMama People, on average, are just kinda assholes tbh. Not very cool of them to wanna kill us, not very poggers at all. No, but really, things are getting dire and I don’t have any way of escaping to a better state than Kentucky or moving away, I’m fuckin’ 15. A lot more people are out there like me, when I went to high school I noticed several kids with trans pins on their bags, there are so many people like me, who are stuck and can’t get help. It makes it really hard to find motivation tbh, the only thing keeping me going is the future generations of trans people like us, we need to make the world a safe place for lgbt people, because no matter how hard they try, we’re always gonna be around.


@FawnOverFun you have your whole life ahead of you. you are part of the future generation. if we fight like hell, its your future we will be able to make better, mostly. you’re young enough to live a full life in that better future, so long as we can beat this surge of evil trans hatred.

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