🤘😈We did it!!!😈🤘

My channel just reached over 20 THOUSAND followers. We had only just hit 18k at the beginning of this month and somehow we made it here, to TWENTY THOUSAND.

I knew it would be a risk to set such an aggressive goal for myself given how challenging this year has been, but I wanted to see if I could keep my pace going despite everything, and I was able to.

Thank you to all the imps, old and new, who excitedly support my artistic ambitions and aspirations.

Thank you to the members of my amazing team: Danny, Cherry, Jazdog, Silent, Azazel, Alora, Gayfesh, my amazing mods.

Special thanks to:

My reason for living, my pack of found-family



WhiteNervosa, whose tireless work has made this growth possible over the last few years

Much more thanks, memories, and celebration to come in the upcoming 20k CELEBRATION STREAM!


@DemonMama phoque Yé!
You did it and deserve much more!
You built an extremely interesting and loving community around amazing content.
It is a pleasure to be an imp!


@ashenwan its a blessing to have you AS an imp! Your art + constant warmth continue to inspire me :)

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A small congregation of exiles.