I am firmly, and always will be in the "receipts" camp.

You don't need to have receipts for not liking someone or for not meshing vibes, you and your personal friend group is yours to determine.

THE moment you begin to make serious allegations about others' behavior and advocating for their belonging or exile from a space, you had better have some real reasons for that which can be demonstrated with evidence.

It is SO easy to fabricate lies and manipulate framing on the internet by strategically removing or changing context and by building off of past controversy (regardless of the truth of previous controversy).

As someone whose online reputation has been repeatedly distorted with entirely false allegations (half the internet is convinced I'm the Walter White of Estrogen,) I think we would all be better off if we simply realized that rumors and hearsay are not good enough baselines of evidence.

It really is very easy for the totally understandable desire for safe and functional social spaces to spiral out of control into severely damaging social policing based on invented or twisted narratives.

We do ourselves a disservice by holding a low bar for evidence of bad behavior. We should be willing to apply healthy and careful analysis of claims, especially in minority spaces in an era of mass libels against minority groups.

@DemonMama i think that if someone was the walter white of estrogen, they would be cool as fuck


@dangerdyke hehehe I appreciate the vote of confidence

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