
I watched Europa Report (2013) tonight and it was so much worse than I could have expected. The filmmakers seemed unable to decide what type of movie they were making, and they actually obscured the only good parts of the movie (set design and acting) with these extremely cartoony and cheap-looking overlays. Im not kidding you when I say about 90% of the movie had the same static frame and corporate logo in the corner. The ending literally made both me and my partner break out laughing. It was like the director saw Cloverfield and then was like "I need to copy their ending, but paste it into an otherwise played-straight spaceflight movie".

It's a shame because the performances were solid and the sets really did look very good.

Also, they ACTUALLY had a Niel DeGrasse Tyson cameo which was beyond hilarious.

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@DemonMama I actually remember liking this one when it first came out... but that was about a decade ago, when I was a dumb teenager with horrible taste

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