
I have really enjoyed The Outer Wilds. I beat the main game last night and really loved the ending (though I have critiques for the final puzzle of the game!)

A really heartfelt, cozy and fun game with an intriguing core mystery and good if relatively easy physics gameplay and sciency puzzles.

Truly amazing soundtrack.

I started the expansion “Echoes of the Eye” last night and feel very strongly about it. New direction for visuals and music that is equally strong. Excited to beat the expac!

@DemonMama I have to get back to it, I made some progress and then got lost but with a wiki I think I could get back to it. so unique

@DemonMama both the base game and the expansion are fantastic!!! I hope you enjoy the rest of Echoes of the Eye

@DemonMama i feel like youd lime the system shock remake. I just beat that and it was amazing. I only have 2 minor nitpicks with it.

1: lack of gender option or naming your character. Despite being an "unnamed hacker"

2: unable to listen to the original midi as a fun little extra. Game was goty material tho

@DemonMama so glad to hear that you loved it, it's one of my all-time favorites! The ending absolutely melted my heart. Looking forward to your thoughts on the DLC, it's every bit as special as the base game to me.

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