
Its been forever since I posted on here, but I've continued to gather followers which feels really nice!

I just feel paralyzed by social media as of late. I have the posters urge, dont get me wrong! I have for a long time, but nothing seems worthy of saying *anywhere*. So I only post on youtube, but my youtube presence is limiting because its fucking youtube and everything has to be filtered through the lens of utilizing my stream time well and thinking about the audience I'm trying to build there and the TOS.

In short, social media fucking blows. I miss being able to have fun and post about shit and get into conversations about whatever

I'll figure it out in time I'm sure. But right now I have this terrible restlessness and its driving me nuts.

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@DemonMama It's good to have you back in elephant site, Demon Mama!

No hurries, though. However you wanna roll, it's all good. ^w^

@DemonMama i honestly forget i even have this fuckin profile half the time lol

It would be nice if blusky would like be able to supplant twitter but god that place is becoming something of a cesspool in and of itself, especially with fans of a certain lousy lagomorph literally passing around some "zionist mutelist" containing anyone who dislikes their fucking cult godhead.

Ugh fuck the internet lol

@DemonMama The world really needs a movie that's basically Whiplash except with an introspective YouTuber/streamer instead of a drummer and the whole band is also the streamer (and associates) and JK Simmons is also the streamer but also analytics are JK Simmons. The invisible/ethereal tension I've heard y'all talk about seems like a good thing both to express and for artistically expressing.

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