
Thinking about Imaginary relations, Symbolic relations, and Real (non) relations. (Non) relations, in a Lacanian sense (well all this is Lacanian) as dealing with the non representational or signified, non-declarative rather than declartive in neuroscientific sense.

Might need to do a deep dive into Hobbes with how much how his thought continues underlie a lot of people’s implicit political tendencies.

i dont think the question is "Should we have connected?"

i dont think we've ever had another choice.

the body that says "I" has always and will always, in truth, say "We."

Organizational Theory 

“It follows that, instead of concerning itself with the question of what kind of organisation one must have, which assumes that there is a single answer to that question and that it should apply indiscriminately, a theory of organisation must start from the irreducible fact of plurality. There is always more than just one organisation, not just because every organisation has an outside that it relates to, but because the organisation itself, upon closer inspection, is decomposable into different parts – a nebula of collective and aggregate action, a network, an ecology.”
- Rodrigo Nunes, “Neither Vertical nor Horizontal”

Processual vs Development Logic 

Developmental logic as contrary to process, or rather development as the poorest form of process. It is process that downplays, even disavows, the place of process. It treats process as secondary, mere instrument, to and end. Many times the ends is even explicitly stated just implied treated as a natural presupposition.

Processual vs Development Logic 

Developmental logic as contrary to process, or rather development as the poorest form of process. It is process that downplays, even disavows, the place of process. It treats process as secondary, mere instrument, to and end. Many times the ends is even explicitly stated just implied treated as a natural presupposition.

I find ideological positions that make reference to principles that are divorced from one’s own desire/enjoyment suspect

I wanna do a deep dive into the Italian Wars and the 30 Years War

This is inevitable result of flattening all concrete labor into abstract labor.

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One of the things that makes wage labor counter to an enthusiasm for life is how it treats ends as disconnected, and therefore interchangeable with processes. For the average worker the process is disconnected from any project they can get invested in, someone flipping burgers is structurally dissuaded from giving a fuck about process their involved in. The only investment is getting a paycheck so that they can actually pursue their desires. This makes labor interchangeable with any other, the end of making money could be tied to any process, the process is devalued.

Ends awaken the drive. Enjoyment lies in the process.

Lacanian Theory 

Been thinking about color and it’s relation to the gaze and the Real. Unfortunately there isn’t much in specifically Lacanian literature about color. There are some peripheral comments Lacan makes in Seminar 11 when commenting on Merleau-Ponty’s work, specifically “Eye and Mind” and “Phenomenogy of Perception”, so I’ll probably read investigate there. My preliminary thoughts relates to the comments on the gaze and light, which are more plentiful. I’ll need to investigate further into the intensity of different colors and their affective effects.

A small congregation of exiles.