i lost all my firefox tabs and as a result fell out of habit on checking in here lol

@ZiaNitori part of the healthier quality of this place in comparison to other social media (the slower moving pace of things here, the lack of intense back and forths between in-groups and out-groups) also means its not worming its way into your brain saying "check in on masto check in on masto check in on masto" the way other social media often do.

@ZiaNitori i am trying (and failing) to post more often here though!

@exiliaex for me i just kept the tab open next to other tabs i used regularly and i'd usually end up checking once a day which is usually the habit i want to be in with social media that unless i'm arguing with someone or trying to have an interesting conversation

@ZiaNitori thats basically how i do it. masto is the only social media i keep open on my computer. i open twitter and tumblr occasionally, especially if i stumbled into some discussion or something, but i've been trying to keep them off and away. i've uninstalled twitter from my phone to help. i hated the constant notifications. at one point it made me feel like the shit i was saying mattered and was reaching people. now i realize the ways in which i was being used.

another struggle of federated-social-media like mastodon is finding new people. i want to find people who share interesting things. i want to be far more judicious in how i determine who to interact with and share. i'm so tired of the infinite discourse loops. i need out. i need people who actually give a shit about things in the world more than abstractly through studies or theory.


@exiliaex my phone at this point is just the worlds worst tablet and i'm constantly losing it and not bothering to find it. it hasnt been in service for like a year at this point. i think i'll figure out how i want to fit twitter in better once i've got a routine going, but i kind of use it differently. to me it's an app for people watching and picking apart social behavior and while i'm sure i could grow into a more interesting person if i spent more time reading something instead of destroying my literacy on that website, i'm also definitely getting something useful from it and i keep managing to meet some interesting characters every now and then

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