@ZiaNitori insofar as terrorism is a useful category i think it makes sense to keep it constrained to intimidation tactics.

but, terrorism isn't really a useful category. it's a kind of floating signifier spell by and for the state. they invoked it so as to always have legitimacy over an always "exceptional" situation.


@exiliaex yeah, i dont use the word to describe anything i do because it's a pretty incoherent category, but ig i dont see the need to say that something that people might get hysterical about *isnt* terrorism for much the same reason. if they call you fighting for survival witchcraft, saying you're not a witch doesnt get you anywhere because "witch" is an imaginary category they use to inspire hate towards you. in a sense you are a witch, they are talking about you, so why the need to signal against witches especially when it sounds so similar to what they're saying?

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@ZiaNitori in my mind, i was thinking about leftists when i boosted that post. i was thinking about the way they all pretend like doing anything illegal is "terrorism" and, thus worthy of a state of emergency. and to me, the post was drawing a separation there. like, i do think there's a difference between holding a city hostage via street killings and like, sabotaging a logging industry or hacking a conservative database or something. they're doing something different.

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