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looking at how "retard" is developing into an "always slur" like the n word is quite frustrating because while it's in the process of being reclaimed by neurodivergent people, people who make rules and set standards for media and stuff are banning it more and more in the name of progress

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slurs are only evidence of bigotry *in context* and anyone who cant demonstrate an understanding of this is a little hitlerite who just cares about rule following and etiquette

etiquette will literally always favor social conservatives, be an asshole

funny how progressives only seem to like trans women who hate themselves or otherwise feel sorry about being male. anytime one of us has a spine we're called rapists and abusers out of nowhere because we're taking a "male" tone of voice. these are just conservatives who think women ought be meek, who like abuse victims, who like slaves. break their fucking faces

afab only spaces justified with trauma are literally just fascist segregationist projects to see who is willing to accept abuse for the cause. there is no genuine discussion to be had here. if you accept concessions based on the fact that someone makes themselves sperg at their vibing out what biological sex someone fits in their head you accept all the logic of terf arguments. it doesnt matter that the person learned those behaviors in an unfortunate situation, it's just bigotry. there's no difference between men and women, between those born to the categories of afab and amab so either act like it or dont. paying lipservice to a nice ideal while acting in a way that runs counter to it is the bread and butter of fascists so pick a side

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fascists love putting victims on pedestals because abuse reproduces abuse and the victims are a sympathetic way to launder the logic of abuse to slaves

dogshit pop feminist describes anything that trips their conservative "too sexual" flag as evidence of male gaze, more news at 10

my identification with salamanders is due to my associating them with themes of regeneration fire and change though the last is more of a thing with amphibians in general

druid magic is about communicating with creatures on an equal footing and i'm on my way to becoming an arch druid

tears of the kingdom is better than breath of the wild but youtuber attention spergs have noticed that it didnt sell as well as the latter so they're now all trying to make essays on why it failed. status obsessed freaks are not capable of interfacing with art and it's really frustrating that they think they need to share their opinion on it anyway

side note, everyone who's written an annotation in genius needs to be hunted, i just use it cause i like the bigger font for screenshots

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there is no way to make "the community" compatible with free fucking association

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i'm an anticommunist because i want to hunt in the morning, fish in the afternoon, rear cattle in the evening, and criticize after dinner and communists seem to need to make you their business

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at the very least bothersome on the level that it will constantly produce misunderstandings

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i think it's genuinely bothersome to me on some level to have to share a similar physical form to the most embarrassing species to ever walk the earth

i think it's possible that literally every single person who's posted the michael jackson eating popcorn gif is just a miserable human being

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A small congregation of exiles.