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leftists literally naturalize the concept of property and then say "capitalism is bad because it's institutionalized theft"

literally incapable and uninterested in critiquing the current state of affairs, reflexive conservative freaks

i want to give my semi-deliberate obliviousness to fear to as many people as i can through stories i tell and how i lead my life, i want people to be able to be free from interpersonal domination and the dead rituals it reproduces

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continuing to learn that so many more people are so much more abused than i could have possibly imagined growing up. i really want to live in a way that shows people that a better world is possible

people who think money is a good way to organize society should have no issue with mlm schemes, they just know it looks bad so they have the largest of these mlms ban competition and use different language for every one of their institutions and that just works on people lmao

a pattern i'm noticing really strongly is how conservatives really like falling for scams with each other. it feels like they define themselves by the scams they're in with each other. it's no coincidence that conservative programming will have significantly more predatory advertising attached to it and watching people like musk really give the game away for what it is. the people at the top know there's money to be made and the people at the bottom just want to be part of a group, to be shepherded

it's actually just really shitty to tell everyone that you care about that you care about them if what you mean by "care" is anything substantial or imo worth being around. your desire to care is always going to outstrip your capacity to provide it. your brain remembers you at the center of your little personal jesus story but tends to forget all the confused and hurt people you leave behind in your wake. if you cant give them what your brain wants to promise them just shut the fuck up

while i've always had the tendency to think differently from the people around me what really made a seemingly unbridgeable chasm between me and everyone else who wants to play politics was going to prison. even the radicals who pay lipservice to the idea that we live in captivity havent really gone out and felt the limits of their confinement. when you feel the bars of your cage it stops being possible to play nice with the citizens who run the prison and it becomes much harder to gain any traction for a "movement" (gang) or whatever if you're no longer able to recruit people who still believe the practice of confining creatures is acceptable in some circumstances

it's weird how people launder defending IP through getting mad at reaction videos

it's really bothersome how more people who pay lipservice to gender equality arent absolutely revolted by gendered segregation

i have so much more respect for people who actually recognize their impulses for what they are because at least you can actually have a conversation about it

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"cuteness" is such a disgusting concept. you're taught to associate this positive sounding little word with vulnerability and helplessness because it's the other side of the coin of patriarchal rape fantasies. bottoms are taught to want to make themselves cute because the only way to attract a top is by showing a vulnerability to be exploited, literally just bait, but tied in with it is the impulse to protect the cute object, to nurture it to infantilize it to make sure that the rapist doesnt just discard the bottom. they need to see the bottom as both prey and child because heterosexual sexuality is just pedophilic. this is barely disguised because people's ego's and superficial revulsion to pedophilia wont let them see it in themselves. sorry, you're not into dominance or submission, you're into pedophilia, deal with it or change

you will never be popular for going against social conservative sentiments, they will do everything they can to attack everyone who associates with you and will make sure that they're always speaking for you, telling your story, ensuring that they control your image, but in my experience it's not worth it trying to keep around people who can be so affected by these games of appearance or rely on others to paint the world for them

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if you give any ground on this you will eventually surrounded by fascists who will do shit like (in the case of pop feminists), tell you that misandry doesnt exist, does exist and is good, and shouldnt be talked about because that means you're a misogynist all in the same breath

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i think i have absolutely zero patience for moral bluffing. you can actually just not sperg out when someone breaks from whatever orthodox script they're not supposed to deviate from, you can just not act like a security system for your imagined community of likeminded people you imagine will back you in a fight. at it's core it's just religion and religious people are always trying to act like they're more than one person, like they're speaking for many when they talk and that's literally just an intimidation tactic. read it as the threat it is

i'm predicting this is going to happen with the word "bitch" if pop feminism keeps developing how it does

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A small congregation of exiles.