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very sad i'm not a neet anymore but i'm not trying to get a credit, i'm just squeezing free money out of the gi bill

youtube pushing this to my mostly gaming youtube account, very cool. this is going to spawn a bunch of little hitlers

yeah man i just have to learn how to agree with this boomer gibberish about young people on their phones

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ZiaNitori boosted

i can't help of being reminded of all the "Progressive Liberals" who made a meme era about threatening to hunt me for being "doe"

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love to have to listen to a kid getting fucked up in real time while the walls shake from their parents fighting. why is kidnapping a crime again? oh because children are property

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mothers that stay with abusive fathers because they want to tell themselves they care about their child can actually go fuck themselves. your kid would be better off without you, you just want to play the good cop in the psychotic abuse ritual that is the nuclear family. narcissistic possessive freaks

what the fuck is "theory" and why do radicals seem to think it carries the secrets to human freedom? i'm here more due to all the storytellers i learned from, why is this specific writing style privileged as containing more useful wisdom than the things that i actually grew from?

language and words are for deception and control first and foremost

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it's so wild how the local government gets to call itself "the city" whenever it does something as if all of the people in that city were collectively involved

there's a story aes tells about his brother that reminds me of how lucky i was growing up cause if some shit like this happened to me i would have gotten institutionalized for trying to kill the coach

the line "evoke colony collapse via gross betrayal" goes so hard

learning more about how most people tend to get abused by their parents i think that probably like 90% of cases of parricide are just unambiguously based. abolish the family by any means necessary

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A small congregation of exiles.