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ZiaNitori boosted

not "slightly different concept of what it means to be human" but "completely emptied of power" abolition and destitution

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ZiaNitori boosted

communism will abolish humanity or it will remain, as most other 19th and 20th century grand-ideas for society have remained, a genocidal project

this sociology textbook is so bad and has advertisements for random right wing shit in it. on the second or 3rd week when we were studying hierarchy in human social organization we had to take some random scam business guru's personality/leadership style quiz and talk about what that meant

hey youtube, never fucking show me shit like this ever again

ZiaNitori boosted

getting mad at the human supremacists today

what the fuck is this definition of conflict theory? it sounds like it was written by a police officer lmao

you shouldnt write about schizophrenia because it's too simple but also beyond the scope of the paper

at the very least i'll have someone in an english department i might be able to email about good resources for creative writers

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on the plus side my english teacher might be sentient and also lives off grid so at least i have a singular class i can enjoy sometimes. wish he left better feedback on my writing tho

bro my sociology professor is making me call the fucking manager on him. after trying to kick me out of the class because i left some critical remarks on the quality of his homework i was locked out of doing last weeks work and now one of the links is broken for this weeks work and he's ignoring me asking for it fixed. if i want to keep getting paid for this class i literally have to sent an email to his boss. catty bitches that rely on other people's conflict averse tendencies to act aggressive are some of the most frustrating hitlerites to deal with

i think i'm having a much much easier time identifying when this submission/dominance game is being played and it's like almost constantly. there's a sense developed in most social contexts of who's supposed to talk or lead the conversation and most people just sort of fall in line to these unconscious decisions. part of why people get so upset at me is because i talk in a way that fucks with their signalling so they shout at me to stop talking like an authority or otherwise try to shut me out of discourse as to not disturb their careful ranking system. extremely retarded apes, stop acting like chimps, there's infinitely cooler primates you could be mirroring instead like orangutans but thinking for yourself is hard ig

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there is a fantasy about how the world works with rational agents making decisions about what contracts they enter into how they deploy the resources they have access to, ect, and then theres the real game that's being played that's kind of just a power play about who gets to be the authority, who is the person who needs to be submitted to, shown deference, and you're supposed to look like you're playing both games but really the only one that matters is the latter

it's really easy to tell when someone just wants you to submit to their authority

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my dipshit anthro teacher is getting upset at me for typing in all lower case and i'm not changing it at all so they keep getting more upset in the feedback section

hard to express how much of a feeling of dread i feel seeing how early this spring is hitting. witnessing shit like this and the huge decline of bugs in my lifetime makes me feel like i'm watching something big die

they're still insisting they're consistent on this position so i mentioned the stalin socialist commodity production line. expecting them to defend it but if they dont there may just being a community of MLs that are at least as sentient as meme leftcoms

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i'm arguing with an ML who is telling me that ML's dont ever defend the idea of socialist commodity production. i'm also fairly certain they're 2 replies away from defending socialist commodity production just by a different name. it's so exhausting to talk to fascists, they change their language at the drop of a hat just to spite you. they dont have to think about the world and make it make sense, they just have to signal to the freaks as dumb as them to group up

you talk like a threat to me, please chill out with this marxist religious nonsense

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A small congregation of exiles.