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this is how you force half of the population to cover up

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p sure that the extreme fetishization of tits has more to do with control of women than it does with something more distinctly sexual if that makes any sense to say

the way he pronounces "you think maybe they havent heard" is so fucking good in this song

leftists who are nationalists but are incapable of admitting that to themselves should be beaten to a paste with bats the fact that radicals will give this kind of swine any space makes me reconsider the idea that my conception of "radicals" even exists

ZiaNitori boosted

have a bit of a dilemma on twitter. since my notifications havent been working for the last month or so and dont seem to be getting fixed, in order to make sure i dont miss people's posts i'm finding i actually have to double check the "for you" tab because apparently the linear timeline might not show everything lmao. unfortunately when i do this i have to see dogshit posts from people i'd like to respect more acting desperate and social-climby, replying with meaingless compliments to bad thirst traps or talking with libs in lib terms. it's really painful to look at because even though i always wanna give room for people to change and grow cause they can, it's annoying to be reminded how far most people have to go to be tolerable to be around in the first place and it takes effort for that to not tank my mood. another upside is getting to see random yungneocon arguments so i'm probably gonna just keep doing it

the reason this late discovery is because i never consumed them in large enough quantities before this. i would just burn through the caffeine and crash near instantly, but the trick is to just keep drinking it

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local transgirl learns how to use caffine and energy drinks as an alternative to their childhood adderall script


the briefer the communication, the more advantaged the fascist is, they get resentful at people they code as jewish/eggheads/tricksters/corruptors for their capacity to hold an extended abstract thought

yungneocon is probably the only person i want to hear comment on the election lol

saw this on a bluesky users profile and it felt like a minor flashbang lol

ZiaNitori boosted

Z-Library admins on the lam ahead of US extradition; officials shocked

Two Russian citizens arrested for running the pirate e-book site Z-Library have reportedly escaped house arrest in Argentina and vanished after a court approved their extradition to the United States.

Z-Library defends admins and vows to expand access after domain seizures.

did masto change your replies to retweets not tagging the person who retweeted to match twitter for some reason?????

half of my time on twitter is now spent quoting terrible tweets my friends rt onto my timeline. seems like a lot of communists are running out of content so they're just retweeting normal ass liberals who believe in shit like IP law and just not challenging that logic, or being entirely uncritical about the concept of rights. it's so crazy to watch people's principles slide in real time. i thought i was the one with attention issues here

ZiaNitori boosted

tl;dr someone posted a giant "FREE" sign in front of a furniture warehouse here in NW portland

so people from the neighborhood came in and took stuff--it was free, after all!

turns out some random person slapped the sign up, though, not the owner of the stuff, and now the police don't know what to do 😂

ZiaNitori boosted

On Canada Day you see from the press stupid praise of the peace of the country or how good of a "human rights record" it has while only briefly mentioning the repression of Indigenous people. Usually only mentioning the most known the Residential Schools. But they always describe it as a dark chapter.
The CAN Gov officially sanctioned the schools in 1883, up to 1997.
Canada was founded in 1867
114 years out of 157 had the schools. That's not a chapter, that's 70% of the book

ZiaNitori boosted

Y'all, "the camps" are already here.

They've been here for decades. A whole fucking Gulag was built by Democratic administrations while y'all were saying "not my problem" because it was BIPOC and Latinx folk going in them.

Stop talking about "the camps" like it's shit that COULD happen. It's been staring you in the face the whole damn time.

ZiaNitori boosted

this is actually, genuinely, an interesting study about how autistic people playing telephone 'retain the fidelity of the message' but jumping between neurotypical people and autistic people begins to distort it significantly

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A small congregation of exiles.