@socialistdogmom has a solid thread going into recent background of far-right extremists targeting the power grid:

When some reactionary, J6 insurrectionist, anti-LGBTQ bigot (Emily Rainey) insinuates this attack was to shut down a drag show, there's a reason we take it seriously. "God works in mysterious ways," she said. "The power is out in Moore County, and I know why". What a shock that people thought this ex-military christofascist could credibly be involved.

Meanwhile Andy Ngo and other right-wing outrage profiteers are playing gotcha about lack of evidence and calling the people reporting about Rainey "militant trans extremists" (as if it was equally likely for a leftist to have taken out Moore County's power).

Know how many anarchists / antifascists / socialists I've heard discussing blowing up electrical substations to shut down power grids in the US? Exactly 0

I think it's likely that feds will find this attacker and when they do, we'll learn all the fully unsurprising details about this Siege-reading motherfucker. Expect Andy to be very quiet about it and to move onto inciting harassment towards his next target.

As predictable as this cycle is, this is a huge escalation and we clearly need to be preparing for similar attacks. It's disturbing this hasn't been a more prominent story in national media outlets cause it's a very big fucking deal.


@socialistdogmom @AnarchoDoggo

If you haven’t heard any anarchists discussing attacking the power grid you’re not hanging out with the right people.

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