"marginalized cis people have it worse than you white trannies" no tf they don't bitch you must not know a thing about what trans people go through, the baseline for white trannies is being treated like literal garbage and it only gets worse for other trans people.

What a shit tier middle class take honestly

@eris as if whiteness somehow cancels out the entirety of transmisogyny and means they can’t possibly be bigots against us

@dangerdyke ah yes I love when transphobes see that I'm white and change their mind that's definitely a thing that happens
@dangerdyke (inb4 some reply guy rants that akshually white privilege means I'm less likely to encounter these threats as if we didn't all learn Privilege 101 here)

@eris yeah but these people act like we’re not threatened at all

like all the people who whine about white transfems getting armed just because a slightly higher portion of the murder statistics are POC

@eris people would rightly be outraged if we said that POC are only at risk if they’re also trans, which just makes it so ridiculous when people routinely get away with saying the inverse

@dangerdyke and if you're a traumatized autistic transfem in poverty with zero social resources and constantly fearing homelessness because even shelters are not safe for trans people, that all gets reduced down to "ur white life ain't so bad for u hun" like I would beat someone's ass if they told me that to my face

@dangerdyke @eris yeah you were raped but imagine if you were raped AND BLACK. Maybe you don’t have it so bad 😏

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