From what I can tell, the proof of Anarqxista not being a real person is several references to the works of a middle aged man, but nothing slipping up and accidentally saying they're the same person.

I'm not sure that's quite enough proof to warrant shitting on a potentially dead comrade
@eris if there's no truth to it, why delete the twitter account and the announcement post? At the very least I think we can prove the death is fictitious from how quickly they acted to delete that immediately after the thread went live.
@eris I'm not following. The Twitter account posted the announcement post. There's obviously a connection there
@lydiaposting Wasn't the announcement post supposedly done by her roommates or something?

The people who run the anarchist library also shared her essays on the fedi bot here so it wouldn't seem farfetched that they'd share it there
@eris that's irrelevant to what I'm asking. I'm asking why pull it from Twitter so soon after the masto post when they explicitly asked for people on Twitter, the biggest platform that account had, to share condolences on there
@lydiaposting I'm not saying it's not sus but it's being treated as a fact that they are the same person without hard proof.

If the accusations are wrong, it's extremely disrespectful to be dragging someone's dead body into cancel attempts just because she was canceled online before. These things absolutely require proof.
@eris You're not listening to me. I'm not talking about the Andrew Lloyd thing. Sure we can wait until the actual sw from the photos or whatever comes forward or we see Lloyd himself come forward or something. I'm saying that the circumstances surrounding the death itself seem very manufactured and the way in which they've responded so quickly to the thread by deleting after being so open to receiving condolences on Twitter shows something is up. I think there's enough to at least conclude there isn't a dead body to be dragged here.
@lydiaposting idk I wouldn't talk badly about anyone like that when it comes to someones death. It doesn't sit right with me.

I /am/ listening to you, you're just rejecting my concerns. Me having those concerns is not me "not listening", I do not have to accept what you say on word alone.

And to be clear, I did not like her, I was part of the reason she got kicked off of fedi after her pedo stuff and she did block me, that does not mean I'm going to accept claims like this without proof.

There's zero consequence to seeking evidence first and being cautious with accusations like this, but the left wants to seize the opportunity to hate on someone and doesn't care about proof. That is dangerous af.
@eris I mean I could literally say the same thing on the other side of it so w/e. Agree to disagree ig.
@lydiaposting no it's really not the same thing

If I'm wrong, and proof comes out, then you can insult this person all you like at that time. She's gone, the personality can't be faked anymore, there is time to investigate further without consequence to this.

If you're wrong, then you just spent time smearing the dead.

That's not the same.

I would hope you would not treat me like that when I die if someone says I'm fake.
@eris Sorry, I really don't have any moral hang up about "smearing the dead" especially when it's impossible to very it with a lack of police report and a lack of anyone else coming forward and the sudden deletion of the account after they were receptive to replies so quickly after a thread that if false, I'm certain they would have every reason and ability to prove it wrong. As for everything else, idk. Seems proof enough to me with the "mistake" declaring they're a cis male and the connections with the other pseudonym. Also, if you're willing to acknowledge that it's suspicious, I don't think you're in any position to throw blame on anyone else for taking it further than you yourself are willing to just as I have not made any claim that you not believing anything is dangerous on your part. Though I just as easily could.
@lydiaposting If they found these references already in her essays, why couldn't they find something more substantial?

You're saying to not even try because you've already decided to agree to the accusations, and that's fine and all but why do you act like I am not entitled to my own opinions and concerns? You're in my replies telling me I have to listen to you yet you treat me as the stubborn one.

I am strongly opposed to that because I think leftists cave easily to misogynistic disposability culture and would be willing to do this to just about any woman, and I take the dead seriously with some basic respect that I extend even to those I don't like personally.

If you want to disagree that's fine but why do I need to share the same views as you?

@eris @lydiaposting oh come on literally no one knows her irl it’s an obvious catfish. You’d think that one person ever would be like “uh I actually know her she’s real.” If you have nobody to vouch for your existence then you’re just an electric ghost.

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