Not gonna lie every time I see drama pop up where some political influencer, be they streamer or essayist, engages in abusive and/or other toxic behavior with their romantic and/or sexual partners I'm just thinking in my head that there might just be something to the idea of not organizing or engaging in advocacy with people you have intimate relationships like that with. Not even just as means of preventing a distraction from your political work, but more so as a preventative measure for spreading abusive behavior through the imbalance of social capital.
I don't know. What do some of y'all think? Maybe I should do a poll or something.
@lydiaposting not to be all "the revolution starts at homes" about it, but earnestly I think this points to a cultural issue, the kinds of counter cultural structures of feedbacks and baseline expectations that could meaningfully address these kinds of imbalances have not yet been developed or given enough importance or widely adopted enough.

There is a hesitation I witness in people openly and consciously addressing these kinds of differentials, not dissimilar from people in a collective being awkward and avoidant talking about class differences and dividing access capacities.
The cultural norm of anyone under threat- which everyone in our corner is- is to be safe and keep all your cards close to your chest. Its just left unspoken for fear of what could be done. Anything other than this requires the creation of new and explicit agreements of how to engage
@0utside0utsider I mean I think such a change is genuinely useful. No need to be apprehensive about "revolution starts at homes" thing in this instance, though I do understand how cringe some of that can be

@0utside0utsider @lydiaposting revolution beginning at home is important tbh. If you can’t exert pressure to end oppression within your own social circle then your pressure to end oppression outside of it is just exerting control over people

@destroy @lydiaposting this is entirely true- I think that the self-conscious experimentation with and creation of new social dynamics, and placing those experiments in dialogue with each other to grow from is one of the most critical things that anyone can do

Sometimes tho, and this is the reason for my "not to be all the revolution starts at home" disclaimer, just focusing in on the places we as individuals intersect with new social forms isn't enough- the force that makes everyone march to its beat has to be broken to create the situation that allows new people to step into a new way of living. So maybe the revolution does start at home, but also, until people who have never met are in situations where new forms of relation are taking established, there is no change.

Its not a dichotomy that's is useful tho, imo people who want to upend this world should seek to intervene on both personal relationships and the objective structures that created them to destroy this world dynamic

@0utside0utsider @lydiaposting it may not *just* begin at home or even *begin* at home but if you aren’t fighting for the revolution in the spaces you presumably have the most power in what are you doing?

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