I hope people get that Nikki Haley went over there to make everything as much worse as possible.

Those pics of her scribbling those obscenities on bombs will circulate for years.

_This was intentional_.

You get that, right? She's a former UN ambassador. Like Nixon sabotaging peace talks in Vietnam and Reagan working to keep US hostages in Iran, she knows _exactly_ what she did.

_This was intentional._

Biden's been pushing Netanyahu towards a two-state solution for months and despite the "Genocide Joe" crowd's crap, he's pushed back more on Israeli militarism more than any US president ever just by doing it at all.

This was sabotage. It was intentional. AGAIN.

DON'T repeat the same mistakes. DON'T reward it AGAIN.

#uspolitics #uspol

You want the US out of the middle east? So do I.

There's ONE reason the US is so involved, and it's OIL. Until OIL is no longer the most important thing in the world, it doesn't matter what our "allies" do, because it's about _power_ for _access to oil_.

If you want things to change, you've got to go about it by making oil not matter.

Happiily, that's also going at climate change.

Biden and the Dems managed the biggest climate bill in history, in the form of the Build Back Better infrastructure bill. But for the Republicans, it would've been much, much bigger.

What's Trump and the GOP promised on climate? To _end_ renewables and go full-bore all-in on OIL, all for their fash oil backers.


#uspolitics #uspol


@moira Can’t wait to vote for atrocities happening because we need cheap lithium and ethanol instead of cheap petroleum. The issue isn’t oil it’s capitalism and the incentives states have to kill for profit and control.

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