accidentally sent a text to my bestie at 4:44 so basically it's over and our friendship is going to fall apart now

@emmycelium you woke them up and they’ll miss work cuz they can’t sleep and now they hate you because you are probably the most inconsiderate person in the world. They’re cancelling you on twitter rn

@destroy oh i know for a fact i did not wake it up it texted me first lmao, sadly it's just the fault of the numerology and its going to unfold through a bunch of seemingly unconnected reasons but ill see the pattern :(
@destroy tangentially related but i wish more guys who "got into stoicism" focused on the fact that a central belief of the actual stoics was that there were hidden connections between seemingly unrelated phenomena and ancient myths were important because their authors understood those sympathies better than we do now

im just ancient sage-maxxing
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