did we ever post about how our post-GRS recovery room in the hospital was haunted by mariachi

@dangerdyke i dont think you did but i was also not your mutual during that time

our GRS recovery mariachi torment (true story) (long) 

@quasar okay so some background for any followers who might not be aware: we have some neighbors who love mariachi. and they play it at all hours of day, extremely loud. it’s probably our least favorite thing about this neighborhood, it absolutely fucking sucks

the night after our GRS, we’ve just come back up from anesthesia, everything went well, we’re in a good mood. then out of nowhere mariachi music starts playing in our room. the hospital at this point was still taking some covid precautions, so we had the room all to ourself, so it couldn’t have been another patient. Winter is with us and she’s looking all over the room trying to find the source. and then just as suddenly as it starts, it cuts out

until later it starts again

at this point we try and call the nurse through the intercom but the lady who answers either doesn’t believe us or has no idea what we’re trying to tell her.

we’re at the end of our wits at this point. this thing that infuriates us at home has seemingly followed us to another state to torment us while we’re in recovery.

the mariachi keeps coming and going for a while, until finally another nurse checks in on us, during one of the breaks in the music. she’s a lot more receptive to our story (she was great just in general, our favorite nurse from the whole stay). she still has no idea what it could be though. but then, as she’s about to leave, it comes back on.

she manages to deduce that the sound is coming from the television, which is turned off. whoever the previous patient in this room was had it turned to a mariachi channel, and for some reason the TV was still playing sound despite being muted and powered off.

we eventually managed to put the TV in a state where it wouldn’t make sound anymore (we don’t remember how) but to this day we have no idea what caused the TV to malfunction in that manner. shit was just haunted specifically to torment us


our GRS recovery mariachi torment (true story) (long) 

@dangerdyke @quasar this is actually hilarious

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