Never, ever listen to a dominant culture person who tries to tell you antisemitism isn’t that big a deal.

And no, we don’t care if your cousin's neighbor's dog-walker's aunt is a Jew and told you that your hot take is ok or that you stand up for “ones you like” or what other excuse you make up.

There’s a serious issue with antisemitism on the self-described left. Antisemitism on the left is more dangerous than antisemitism on the right because antisemitism on the left is being mainstreamed.

@TonyStark idk man I think the genocide in gaza is far more worth talking about than leftist microaggressions

@eris @TonyStark eris please cut it out. is even mentioning antisemitism too much now? nobody even mentioned palestine

@dangerdyke @TonyStark >nobody even mentioned Palestine
That would be the issue, yes.
>is even mentioning antisemitism too much now?
Yes I do think it's liberalism to gloss over genocide to make it seem like the struggles of white Americans are the only issue worth discussing.

@eris @TonyStark

make it seem like the struggles of white Americans are the only issue worth discussing.

nobody said that. accepting that antisemitism is an issue, and should not exist in no way discredits the struggle for palestinian liberation. why the fuck is it okay to act like this about antisemitism? you would never say that the genocide in palestine means its “liberalism” to talk about gay bashings in the US, or any other domestic issue. there are no grounds to be hostile with jews simply for talking about the antisemitism they experience

@dangerdyke @TonyStark what did he experience? I see no experiences here only meta discussions. I asked for that to be brought instead to real issues that people are actually experiencing rn.

Maybe that's polarizing and controversial to you for people to find topics like this tonedeaf but I'm happy to be polarizing if it means pressuring people to discuss genocide instead of white issues.

@eris @TonyStark its tonedeaf for jews to discuss antisemitism? is it tonedeaf for me to discuss transphobia? what makes discussing oppression tone-deaf?

@eris @TonyStark not every post on the timeline needs to be about gaza. and there’s no reason to single out posts about antisemitism for this

@dangerdyke @TonyStark disagree. Fedi is too comfortable divorcing itself from real world issues.

@eris @TonyStark and we see posts about gaza on here every day. and you pretend like antisemitism isn’t a “real-world issue.” you know jews in the US get attacked right? and why do you single out antisemitism for this, when we see meta posts about transphobia (and even make them ourselves) daily?

@dangerdyke @TonyStark are these attacks in the room with us? did you go through something this morning you'd like to discuss?

@eris @TonyStark right at the top of the search results…

people are mad at israel, and antisemites make that all jews’ problem. please stop with this dismissive attitude

@dangerdyke @eris @TonyStark Do you think that we shouldn’t talk about transphobia because of Palestine?

@destroy @dangerdyke @TonyStark Do you think gaslighting is the best way to make your point?

@eris @TonyStark @dangerdyke How exactly is this gaslighting? In what way am I trying to convince you your memory is wrong or get you to question your reality?

@destroy @TonyStark @dangerdyke Because not only did I not say that, but it's a stupid comparison because a liberal whining about leftists being antisemites (huge red flag that is used to silence outrage against genocide) with nothing actually happening and talking about transphobia or real hate crime experiences are completely different.

If you can't read the thread don't jump into it.

@eris @TonyStark @dangerdyke I didn’t say you said that, that’s why it was a question. Don’t try to trick me into being all “Am I an abuser on Mastodon?” by saying I’m gaslighting you when using examples and comparisons to clarify an argument.

@destroy @TonyStark @dangerdyke You resurrected a dead thread to throw a moral fit about an unrelated subject. If you wanna respond to things I actually said instead of deciding for me what I think, then go ahead but quit acting like a stereotypical Portlander
@destroy @TonyStark @dangerdyke And don't get offended and block and grumble away because I matched your energy

@eris @TonyStark @dangerdyke I’m throwing a moral fit? You’re the one moralizing about “white issues” and “divorcing from real world issues.” It’s clear you don’t think antisemitism should be cared about or considered because you find it immoral to care about oppressors like Jews.

@destroy @TonyStark @dangerdyke You're kinda proving my point if this is where your energy goes in nitpicking online
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