Kevin Roberts, president of The Heritage Foundation, leader of project 2025:

“we are in the process of the second American revolution, which will remain bloodless, if the left allows it to be”

@alissaazar MAGA Nazis are itching to pull the trigger and unleash violence on the non-conforming left. Push back! Organize! One of the three branches have fallen. Don’t let them take the rest. ORGANIZE!

@Slug @alissaazar

Anyone who believes that #neoNazis, #WhiteSupremacists, and #MAGAts are the only people in America who own guns and know how to use them, is deeply deluded. We just don't wave them around at demos, that's all. But we *are* ready to defend ourselves.

@LevZadov @Slug @alissaazar I think those statistics don't account for an urban battle zone where everyone is armed with a gun. If you want to tell everyone how much safer things are now that you ALSO have a bang-bang murder toy like the "bad guys," I'm afraid I'm going to continue to be unimpressed despite your best efforts.

@nonehitwonder @LevZadov @Slug what exactly do you suggest we do when the people who want us dead are armed and actively trying to kill us?

@alissaazar @nonehitwonder @LevZadov @Slug I'm sure it will go really well against the police and military tanks and assassination drones. Fascism isn't the zombie apocalypse where it's ragtag groups fighting each other. Not to say that guerilla warfare isn't possible if people are organized enough, of course, but you have to be willing to die at that point in any fight.

@fifilamoura @nonehitwonder @LevZadov @Slug I’m not saying that’s what it’ll be either. But we have to have means to defends ourselves, even if it’s at our homes. As someone who has almost been killed by a group of fascists and have had countless people show up at my home, break in, and follow me around, I don’t see any other way. Do we really want law enforcement and fascists to be the only ones with firearms?

@alissaazar @fifilamoura @LevZadov @Slug I don't want to get shot, and adding a second gun to a situation doubles that likelihood. Maybe I'm naive to think that having a gun is highly unlikely to make me safer in any situation, but I also seldom if ever see examples where that is the case. If having a gun made us so safe, then we'd be the safest country on Earth. What I SEE is a lot of marketing and a lot of gun deaths.


@Slug @nonehitwonder @fifilamoura @LevZadov @alissaazar so should people just give up when someone else has a gun and intends to use it against them? Like Ukrainians against Russians?

@destroy Ukrainians had been preparing nationally for Russia to invade them again and were fighting as a nation, not each other. Including civilian gun training together, they are a people with a lot of solidarity. And they're a pretty resilient people in general with experience of war already. I'm not sure White Americans are nearly as prepared for this as they like to believe. A lot of the way it's talked about by Americans seem to be a sort of overly romanticized "stand your ground" fantasies (apart from armed people who are already confronting armed right wingers and who are already training together). All this "I'm a lone man who will protect his family stuff" strikes me as pretty right wing actually, it's not at all about community or protecting the people who will actually be explicitly targeted. @Slug @nonehitwonder @LevZadov @alissaazar

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